At the end of the day, however (without trying to sound too self-centered), all I really need to know is what does this mean for us... the Gangloff Family?
More meets.
More pool time.
More travel (as long as we don't break the bank).
Mark has always swum in meets, but "the plan" requires him to race more. Once a month or so. Feeling good, feeling bad, going hard, training a lot, tired, rested.... it doesn't matter. He's going to race... often.
Last weekend Mark's new race-a-lot plan started at the Ralph Crocker Invite at Auburn (we miss Ralph terribly and think of him often--he was a great coach and an even better man and will be a part of Auburn forever). Mark swam well (he thinks). When I asked, "How was that swim?" or "How was the meet?" He said that he didn't really know. He has never really trained and raced quite like he is now. Hmmmm.... as a nervous swim wife this is going to be a hard pill to swallow.
I'm not really trying to gush about Mark (really, I'm not), but isn't it impressive that he continues to change, try new things, and take risks?
So, as Mark enters uncharted waters (this is me trying to be clever), Annabelle and I will be there.
Um is that Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do I See in Annabelle's hands?? That is a favorite at our house!! Love the blog!